If you’re like me you sometimes tend to buy based on the way a product looks…cool packaging, bright colors and a celebrity endorsement defiantly help influence your decision to buy something. A lot of the time these products don’t live up to your expectations but now you’re stuck with it.

5 years ago I bought a product called Rosebud Salve from a clothing store on Yonge Street in Toronto. It was in little blue and white tin, sitting in a box at the cash desk. I had never heard of it before and it didn’t look like anything “special” but I am a really bad impulse buyer so I added it to my purchase. Now when I first opened it I wasn’t that impressed, the tin was a little hard to open, the product itself was really soft, had no colour and a smell I couldn’t decide if I liked or not. I put a little on my lips and when on with my day. A few hours later when I got home I was in my room and realized that I still had the Rosebud on my lip…HOW?! I had eaten lunch, smoked, drank from a bottle of water, bit my nails and no doubt talked non stop all day. I called April and she agreed that this was a great gloss. I pulled it from my bag and started to inspect this little tin – I found that this is not in fact a lip gloss but an all purpose salve. Its good for chapped, cracked and dry skin, cuticles, diaper rash, abrasions…etc. I have used it for anything and everything and it always works, fast! This was something I bought as an impulse buy and wasn’t something I thought I would really like and now I use it every day. I keep one in my kit, my purse, my room and my desk. Not a day goes buy I don’t find something to use it for. If there is one thing you need to keep in your makeup bag and or purse this is it.